Monday 28 November 2011

3 different string instruments session will? may? start

Kyuho Univ. students keen on new music life with new instruments, which is Ukulele, Shamisen, and Sanshin. 
 It is hard to for shamisen and sansin set in tune as we do not have proper helper to begin with.
But I'm sure they've got to handle it soon, and be able to go with my guitar plus any other instruments of my friends. Cheer up guys!

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Most happily crowded day

ESS circle members in Nobeoka highschool payed us a first visit to Bookworm. They are all good and earnest in learning English. We are looking forward to seeing them soon as a heavy paperback readers.

Sunday 17 July 2011

nice smile after the heavy task

He speaks Japanese

He is so tanned under the strong sun, almost sunburned to red.
On the way off to Tokyo, he took all photo of town crusing on his bike.
One of designers who is in charge of Nobeoka railway station project, he speaks Japanese very well.

Kanpai song

Our friend Bret bought a guitar. We are going to teach him a Japnese popular song. Nagabuchi's Kanpai has a bit difficult verse, but he did a good trial. And he gave us a small lesson on Norwedian wood.

New sounds in the town

The shop owner around the corner brought an interesting instrument. This is Mandolin Cello, which is rich in low sound.

All the way from Australia

Mel visited Bookworm last month. She has ever joined our flee market when she was in Nobeoka, and introduced me a Spanish teacher to learn. That was, I am sure, the first step to my Bookworm to start.

Thursday 16 June 2011

Here comes the guy singing

Bookworm welcomes newcomer of various talent. He sings and plays guitar and makes his own songs very nicely. I have encouraged him to sing in the street and make music for shops in town. Anyone interested?

Sunday 5 June 2011

About New Project waiting

I have a resolution of bookexchange activity to expand rather wider in Miyazaki Pref.
Traveling bookworm is one of my ideas which is a mobile version of bookworm Nobeoka.
I need to find someone in Miyazaki City who kindly being an point of collecting Bookworm Bag in this circulation system of secondhand book. Its just once or twice a year to do this job. A job to recieve a bag and e-mail me, thats all. I will go to you to fetch it. Anyone to volunteer?

All the way from far south

Many English speakers got together on Sunday. I am glad to be one of your access points.
Some questions about how to use this town around gives me a feel to make a sort of guide map for internatinal people.

Sunday 22 May 2011

Chinese conversation

We learned a lot from a boy on Chinese pronouciation. The boy is guiding us how to say right&left&up&down quickly when we respond in a exam. of sight power.

How to get started English as daily tool

3 native English speakers came when 2 Japanese are. We talked a lot on how reading books help making best result in developing English.

Monday 9 May 2011

Bookmark, Bookworm

We have cute bookworm paperart for bookmark. Available when you exchange books here.

Chinese song

ToTo-kun is teaching us how to celebrate mother with a song 「世上只有妈妈好」

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Lazy Bookworm

In case of your interest on how he is at the back of the book.
Here it is,

Monday 18 April 2011

Little teacher of Chinese Lesson

Pronouciation of Chinese is quite a challenge for us. Pinyin lesson is offered from a very much cute boy who is bilingual on Japnaese and Chinese. We are quite a big,  old, clumsy students strugling to imitate the sound he produces.
On how to compose words for basic things, it is good for learners of foreign language to have a chance to observe childs in that culture, telling us primitive but very strong and clear point in memorizing things.
Moreover, I am impressed with livily curiosity to discover words day to day.

Friday 8 April 2011

So talented they are

Energetic, Funloving ladies are on the way home after preparing coming event of Story Telling associated with classical guitar. I was amaized Speaker remembers all the dozen story by heart. I need to work hard a bit to memorize my part of 3 tunes. I am happy to be with them to explore enjoyment of art in daily life. They know a lot to enjoy themselves.

Friday 25 March 2011

On their vacation

English lovers in Nobeoka, who are currently in Univ. in Tokyo, kindly visited us for exchanging paperbacks. Thank you for so many books and Bookworm owes 5 more books to give them. See you, may be in your summer vacation.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

High school students meets Osaka city planner

People happen to meet someone just out of blue. We do not expect much about a happy chat with strangers around. Bookworm cafe gives you much chance to get together as far as one has a mind to share a topic on foriegn languages

Wednesday 2 March 2011

English Arcade Meeting

Group Reading session is on going with English translation of Yukiguni雪国 by Yasunari Kawabata.

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Expanding relation

Radio personality has kindly dropped by on her way from business and on her way to delicious deli shop around. It might be lucky for both of us to have bookworm for the good afternoon.
Guitar lessons sometimes come up.

Saturday 19 February 2011

Chinese English exchange

We had very basic Chinese lesson among English, Japanese, and Chinese.
It is nice to get proper way of Sounding from a friend of native tongue. We are going to have several gatherings of this, hoping it would lead to chess game or cooking 餃子 together among multilingual setting.

Wednesday 9 February 2011

How about Japanese Manga?

we have also manga books, such as InuYasha, Sazae-san at a moment.

new arrival

We are ready for some easy thin books to read as well as photo books or one with illustration.

Saturday 29 January 2011

Pluck Strings in the afternoon

We had classical guitar lesson in the bookworm this Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Uenoyama, professional guitarist in Hyuga, gave a hands on lesson for two students.

Friday 28 January 2011

Book of British woman in China

We've got some books today, including Chinese and Engish written book.

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Bookworm Location on GooglMaps

you can see Bookworm here. in large size

グーグルマップ ブックワームはここでーす。

より大きな地図で Bookworm here. を表示

Couch Surfing in Nobeoka

Rika san brought us photos of guest all over the world to Nobeoka, using a Couch Surfing programe, which encourage backpacker travellers to stay a house with free of cost. Rika san has accepted over 30 people last year, gave warm hospitality to them showing around this region.

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Bilingual Delightment

The Bookworm starts a market for English&Japanese set books.
We start with a limited selection of 20 titles so far. The price is affordable better than any other secondhand bookshop. We would like to encourage you to enjoy bilingual reading.

Sunday 23 January 2011

Best place to meet new conversation

James joined us. Atsuko san from Takachiho joined us.
Chess books brought by Philip were at James's hand. Best Flow of secondhand book. I could be thanked by god of book.

Sunday afternoon visitors

Philip and Krista from Hyuga, and halさん、maikoさん、got together.

Saturday 22 January 2011

Friends from Tokyo, 5 min.

Guys are at a conference in Nobeoka all the way from Tokyo and Osaka. Before they catch a train back home, they payed us he shortest visit ever. Good thing to have a shop in front of the station.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

See you all soon

 Miyazaki daily News article has loaded information about our project.
3people are on photo, but so many assistance from book lovers, thanks.
So far, highschool students to seek readable books, mother of kids who are supposed to learn English, English-speaking people to exchange books came. And more, many friends to celebrate us for our small community business.

Wednesday 12 January 2011

The Bookworm has made a move

Worm-friendly people have gathered one by one, picking up our paperbacks, had a good talk until the end of  shop hour 19:30. Many thanks for all who had concerened making this true.
We keep this project  move slowly but steadly, to get this worm-library grow a sufficient volume up to keep attracting you.

We have a 4-row of shelf , called Help your sHelf, where you can place small things to present yourself or your country, culture. and a Bullten board to tack small piece of information to exchange. Please ask me for more information, Best thing is to visit us here!

Friday 7 January 2011

Very important notice

We are not a normal secondhand bookshop, like the BookOff shop around your town.
We do not 'buy' your books.
We accept to exchange books but unable to purchase from individuals
as the result of a discussion with the police department.
The reason from the police's point of view is that we shall not be a route of
someone's money making from stolen books.

in this regard, we hesitate to accept for exchange about old books released
 from public library for free which still  has a mark to which it has belonged.
just in case.

We are so small but cozy (in my opinion :D)

Bookworm Nobeoka is situated in sunny comfort second floor of the building, looking across all around Nobeoka station.
We are limited in size of space, only less than 10 people can be housed reasonably.
Central table is ajustable, then we can set the room in more suitable way if you need to use in group.

Background of Bookworm activity

Why we do this
we can get paperbacks on the internet. why we do this? yes we are in a very covenient world, but Browsing many books before you buy one, or chatting about books in front of the bookshelf is quite an enjoyment.
We came to making small shop  to put our books in one place, and share books and experience in this compact society. Not like a library, nor a bookshop.

How we came up
Exchanging bookshop needs many books at first in the shop. Some are from shop owner, Some are from purchasing, Some are from DONATION from many adovocate mainly in North of Miyazaki, partly from other region, such as Miyazaki, Kumamoto, Tokyo, and amazingly UK.
We are happy to bring these collection up here.

Join us to make us bigger
This shop is aimed to share books in neighbors, with an effort of volunteer running of the system.
The charge we take is spent for room rent fee, energy fee, and obtaining more paperbacks. We have a resolution of bringing Bookworm up much bigger to meet your need. Would you kindly help us to reach our dream?

what we can do at bookworm shop

You can exchange English paperback
we exchange our one paperback for your two books , but too damaged, too much scratched, too unpopular, too specialized, too textbook-like books are excluded. we accept comfortabley readble one for many people.
If your book is very popular and brand new, we consider to exchange our one book for it.

You can buy  English paperback
If you do not have any book to exchange, or you happened to carry no book with you, We sell our book for nearly the price of old paperback valued in the internet retailer.  We add small amount of money for the value of instant purchase.

You can read and communicate here
You are always welcomed to browse books in our library like any other bookshop. Shop owner is happy to be asked about available books or leaving your request for collecting specific titles in future.

You can spend sometime over drink
We have reading chairs with free coffee,
We must ask you admission fee for this to keep this shop, but we make it free until March
to encourage your trial.
You can spend there sometime with a fairy nice view toward Nobeoka Station Park Area.
Bringing food & bevarage,and smoking is not allowed.
But you can order TAIYAKI from here, as we have it just around the corner.